Changes To Trickle Vent Regulations In 2022

Trickle vents

Since the law changed on the 15th of June 2022, every window installation must comply with the new trickle vent regulations. These regulations have been implemented to ensure that all homes receive adequate ventilation across every room within the property via trickle vents positioned cleverly within the upper frame of a window or door. 

Trickle vents can improve air quality and circulation while also reducing things like mould and condensation. Some trickle vents can include an open/close function, although others remain permanently open. Understanding the importance of air ventilation and how it can help keep your home safe and clean is essential, which is why Connaught Windows has created this useful guide to help you learn what these new regulations mean for your next project.

What Is The New Ventilation Criteria?

Document F contains detailed criteria for ventilation and how it can be achieved to an adequate level. Below is a rundown of the guidelines:

  • Windows and doors must have ventilation capable of extracting water vapour, air pollutants, and condensation. They must also significantly reduce condensation and air pollutants effectively and efficiently.
  • A minimum level of air must be supplied from outside into the building. Otherwise, air pollutants could build up and have adverse effects on those living on the property.
  • To prevent external air pollutants from lingering within a property, air pollutants entering the building must be kept to a minimum.

What Is Part F?

Part F of the new regulations includes the requirement for trickle vents to be included in any new window or door that is to be installed in new or existing homes after the 15th of June 2022. You can find out more about the new building regulations from the government website.

What Is Part L?

Part L regards energy efficiency. Since modern windows and doors have developed greatly in this area, the requirements have caught up to ensure that all newly installed products are up to the new standards. Specifically, the amendments to Part L of building regulations refer to the ‘U-value’ that the product has. A U-value is a unit of measurement that indicates the rate that heat transfers through the product, like a door, window, or conservatory. The lower the number, the better.

What Is Purge Ventilation?

Purge ventilation is incredibly important, as it allows a room to go through four air changes per hour directly to the outside of a property. This can be done by one of two of the following methods:

  • Doors, windows, and other openings that lead outside.
  • A mechanical ventilation system such as fans or vents

Aesthetics Of Trickle Vents

Customers concerned about the aesthetic ramifications of trickle vents will be pleased to hear that our new windows and doors are manufactured with trickle vents already in mind. We design our trickle vents to blend in with the aesthetics of our products so that they won’t compromise the style and vision of our customers.

Connaught Windows Ventilation

While thermal insulation is something that many modern double-glazed windows achieve at high efficiency, this trapped air can also cause stagnation. Well-designed trickle vents counterbalance the prevention of good ventilation that double glazing causes. It is vital to have good circulation of air within a property, as not only can it help keep properties clean and easy to maintain, but it can also help keep residents safe by reducing air pollutants and mould.

Here at Connaught Windows, we ensure that all of our doors, windows, and conservatories meet all regulatory requirements. Every one of our products can achieve great U-values that are designed to be future-proof, so you can have peace of mind when investing in your home with us. No matter the style or size of your project, you can rely on Connaught Windows for modern industry-leading manufacturing that doesn’t compromise on beauty or efficiency.

Connaught Windows Prices

If you are an installer looking for new windows or doors that meet all new regulation requirements, contact Connaught Windows today at 01202 525212, or fill out our contact form, and we’ll get back to you as fast as we can. Our team of professionals would love to discuss any questions about how we meet these new requirements with you.

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uPVC Doors uPVC Doors
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